Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What Is A Food Intolerance?
    A food intolerance brings about a reaction in your digestive system which can leave you feeling uncomfortable. Some common symptoms of a food intolerance includes but is not limited to digestive issues, headaches, migraines, and skin problems.

  2. Do food intolerance tests work? 
    Yes, food elimination is the best process to combat a food intolerance, by taking a personal face to face test with me, I can tell you which foods (or non foods) are behind your food intolerance symptoms. 

  3. Can I die from a food intolerance?
    No, only food allergies are a threat to human life, if you are not sure if you have a food intolerance or a food allergy, you can read more on our food intolerance symptoms page.

  4. Can a child have a food intolerance?
    Yes, children can also be intolerant to some foods just as much as adults are. Learn more about food intolerance in children here.

  5. What is a food intolerance test? 
    To test you for a food intolerance, I press an acupuncture point on your hand which does not pierce the skin. The test is not painful, its non-invasive and its comfortable. At least 200 foods are tested, food components and drinks as well as non consumed products you may use at home including washing agents.
    Learn more about the food intolerance testing process here. 

  6. I have a pacemaker, can I have a food intolerance test?
    Unfortunately, I'm unable to perform a food intolerance test if you have a pacemaker fitted, please contact your doctor about alternative options. 

  7. Can a food intolerance test help me lose weight? 
    Yes, there is anecdotal evidence to suggest that avoiding foods that you are intolerant to can help with your weight-loss. I cannot promise it but this is something we work towards during the food elimination process and will check for in your 3 month follow up test. Book your test here. 

  8. Can I get IBS after having the flu?
    Yes, the flu virus can trigger food intolerances and irritable bowl syndrome. 

  9. Is there a cure for Eczema?
    There is a 95% chance that by having a food intolerance test and eliminating certain foods and products (products which touch your skin) from your daily routine could significantly improve your eczema. Book your food intolerance test now. 

  10. Is there anything that I can do about my IBS? 
    Irritable bowl syndrome is a term which is used when a doctor suspects or has concrete proof from an endoscopy, colonoscopy or blood tests that there isn't a more serious disease involved. This is when a food intolerance test could come in useful, as the irritation could be something you are eating or drinking regularly. Book your test and start your food elimination process today. 

  11. Can a food intolerance affect my child's behaviour?
    If you have tried other behavioural and parenting solutions but your child is still displaying behavioural difficulties, a food intolerance test could be worth investigating. But before you book a test, think about the following;
    Does he or she have tummy aches, headaches or eczema?
    Does he or she have dark shadows under their eyes?
    - These are the classic signs that they might be eating something which they are reacting to. Read more about food intolerance in children here. 

  12. Can a food intolerance give you spots?
    Yes, one of the main reactions of a food intolerance can be seen and felt on your skin including spots, acne, irritation and eczema. Learn more about food intolerance symptoms in adults. 

  13. Can my baby have a food intolerance even though I'm breastfeeding? 
    Yes, if you are breastfeeding and your baby is experiencing evening colic and or eczema they could be reacting to something in your diet.
    I specialise in babies and children's food intolerance tests, find out more here. 

  14. Can a food intolerance test help me with my menopause?
    If you are pre-menopause, the change in your hormones could make you intolerant to your normal daily foods. Dark shadows around your eyes are also a tell-tale sign of a food intolerance. Book your food intolerance test to help get your menopause under control. 

  15. Can a food intolerance test help me with urgency? 
    Urinary urgency is the uncontrollable urge to urinate, if your colonoscopy was normal and you are still suffering from urgency, a food intolerance test is a useful step to take as identifying foods you are intolerant to could help you bring it under control. 

    Book your food intolerance test  or learn more about my food intolerance testing process here.